Peak Partners with A Precious Child for the 2023 Holiday Season
At Peak Utility Infrastructure Provider, we pride ourselves on giving back to the local community. Over the holidays, our team partnered with A Precious Child to donate our time and gifts for children in need.
Through the Precious Gift program, A Precious Child was able to provide more than 10,000 Colorado children with holiday gifts in 2023. Peak’s contributions this year included:
- 30 hours of volunteer work in the Broomfield sorting and warehouse facility
- Purchasing 50 gifts for 50 local children identified by agency partners such as social services, school administrators, the foster care system, and hospitals
- An additional 30 hours shopping, organizing, and wrapping gifts for these children
A Precious Child’s mission is to provide “children in need with opportunities and resources to empower them to achieve their full potential.” The holidays can be a particularly difficult time for disadvantaged children, whose circumstances may prevent them from receiving gifts and enjoying the beloved childhood experience of opening presents.
Peak is grateful for the opportunity to give these kids a special Christmas. Our team loves to volunteer for good causes, and partnering with A Precious Child was a truly memorable experience!

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